Project Earth Festival

About the Festival

Project Earth is a transformational one-day Festival that brings together speakers, workshops, arts and culture. It focuses on community-building ethic, celebrates personal growth, social responsibility, healthy living, and creative expression through arts and music. More and more people want to contribute to the development of sustainable, peaceful and just communities, but often there is a lack of first meeting points with like-minded people or projects. Actually, a lot of people nowadays feel lonely and separated from each other. Project Earth offers an open space for people to meet, learn and grow together.

How we started

In 2018 one of our Founders, Lila,  called her friends and organized the first Project Earth Environmental day event in Bamberg, with the intention to meet like-minded people who are truly passionate about shaping the future of our world together.

The first time we met was in Lila’s garden where we began to realize that everyone has special interests and skills to offer to the creation of such an event. We began to envision what a Project Earth Festival could look like and started to prepare a series of individual workshops, speeches and artistic installations to invite other friends, family members and new people to join the Project Earth Movement. 

We quickly realized that our generation holds a  large responsibility for the coming generations. We and our children want to be able to experience the world and its nature in the same way as we are able to enjoy it today. Therefore, we must strive for a sustainable, fair and environmentally conscious treatment of the earth and our fellow human beings.

Our planet. Our project.

The Project Earth event was organized in 2018 and 2019. Because of Covid we were not able to organize the event for 2021. Nevertheless, we are looking for co-organizers, speakers, workshops, artists and musicians to bring Project Earth back to live in Summer 2021. Are you interested in joining? 

Workshops & Memories